Work desk - Passion + Purpose = World Change: How to Live Your Ideal Life by WealthChoice

Passion + Purpose = How to Live Your Ideal Life

Do you love what you do? Do you wish you did? WealthChoice recently sat down with career coach Marcy Morrison, founder of Careers With Wings, who shared how she helps people find their passion and dream career so they can live a more fulfilling life.

Marcy’s unique approach and process to career coaching really identifies with us at WealthChoice. We share her passion for helping businesswomen live more fulfilling lives and love her positive, supportive, and empowering approach.  Over the years we have met with many women who have found themselves in careers that no longer inspire them, but they just don’t know what their options are.

We are thrilled to introduce a new resource to us, Marcy Morrison, Founder and President of Careers With Wings, who we believe can make a difference in the lives of those looking for a change to a more fulfilling life.

It was Marcy’s personal introspective search that led her to finding her passion for career coaching, and launching Careers With Wings. We’re excited to share her story and thoughts on creating your ideal life.


Marcy learned early on that she loved to travel and to experience other cultures. This wanderlust led her to a career in international development and business, specifically focused on business in Latin America. A plus and negative of this was frequent travel. While she loved to travel, when she became pregnant with her first child she realized the travel would prevent her from spending precious time with her son. Taking time off from work after her son was born, Marcy had time to reflect on what was important to her personally and professionally. From her travels to Latin America she knew she wanted to make a difference in the world.

Having spent a good amount of time coaching people on their careers on a volunteer basis, Marcy received frequent feedback that she should start a business. In 2007, Careers With Wings was launched, The business has the primary focus of helping people uncover and live their passion and purpose, and is Marcy’s personal passion and purpose.

Marcy was approached by University of California, San Diego shortly afterwards to create an alumni career program, where she was able to employ her unique career coaching process. This was followed by the publication of her first book Finding Your Passion: The Easy Guide to Your Dream Career. This book is a combination of inspirational stories of people who have found their passions in life and pursued them, and a workbook that leads you through the steps Marcy takes her clients to realizing their ideal life.


Marcy’s joy and positivity is the first thing you notice when you speak with her. She truly embodies the life she helps guide others to find. This quote at the beginning of her book serves as the mantra for her coaching style:

“People who are deeply committed to whatever gives their life meaning are much happier than those who don’t have a greater sense of purpose.”

-Marci Shimoff, Happy for No Reason

One of the unique things about Marcy’s approach to career coaching is the insight her personal journey has given her, as well as the years of creating mentoring programs and advising employees who were being transitioned from their jobs. Conversations she had with people looking for jobs made clear to her that traditional career help books, workbooks, and coaching weren’t working for people. None of these traditional resources focused on what people loved, or what they found fulfilling. She realized that having folks dig deep into what they truly loved to do helped them find fulfillment in life and career, but was not part of the traditional career coaching process.

Working with people during the Great Recession beginning in 2008 led to more work on helping people reevaluate what was important to them. People who had been at companies for decades and then found themselves unemployed realized how unhappy they had been. It occurred to Marcy that many people had never asked themselves what they really love to do. Work for many was just that: work. It wasn’t passion, it was a means to pay the bills.

Marcy created a coaching process that starts with spending time uncovering your passions and strengths. Through a series of thought provoking questions, she prompts people to deeply dive into themselves to discover what they love, what fears prevent them from following their dreams. She provides tips that others who have followed their dreams successfully have shared with her.

Many of the success stories she shares have examples of having overcome challenges . Marcy and her clients spend a good amount of time on identifying what is holding them back, and how to overcome their fears and challenges. Once a passion has been identified, the derailers have been strategically overcome, Marcy helps make the passion a reality. Here the more traditional coaching surfaces by helping clients set goals and a plan of action, offering support, accountability, and marketing guidance.

For some, Marcy sets out to help clients reignite their passion for what they are currently doing, and for others helps them find their passions and develop a plan to pursue them. The common thread is that all are looking to transition into what they love to do.


When we asked Marcy what one word of advice she would give, she suggested taking the manageable step of incorporating one change towards reaching your passion and purpose during the new year. By choosing to focus on one thing that can put you on the path to a more fulfilling life, you will be empowered by the success.

WealthChoice is thrilled to have Marcy Morrison as the facilitator of the January WealthChoice Community event. To join us for this very special workshop, please visit the Events page to register.  And to learn more about our Executive Women Community, WealthChoice Community, visit our website.

You can learn more about Marcy Morrison on her LinkedIn profile, and at the Career With Wings website.

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